"Stewardship is about helping God’s people grow in their relationship with God through the use of the time, talents, and finances that God has entrusted to them. It is a way of life."
-Cindy Sakai — Chair, Finance, Budget & Compensation
-Cindy Sakai — Chair, Finance, Budget & Compensation
TIME, TALENT & TREASURE We strive to be faithful stewards of God’s gifts to us. We seek to reflect God’s abundance and generosity by supporting the daily operation of the church, by offering our talent and time freely and joyfully. Stewardship at St. Augustine’s takes place throughout the year, not only during "Stewardship Sunday" in the fall. We have many community outreach projects and we've included a short list of them below. If you'd like to get involved in any of them, please contact Vicar Jennifer at [email protected].
There are many convenient ways to donate to help support the daily operation, building maintenance and community outreach projects of our church.
Each fall we hold our annual bazaar which serves as our major fundraiser. Our community members contribute their gifts and talents providing plants, floral arrangements, produce, prepared food items (including Filipino, Japanese and Chinese food favorites) and baked goods. Our Silent Auction always features a variety of excellent local services and items to bid on. Our Boutique sells gently used designer clothes for women and men, jewelry, handbags, and shoes. If you'd like to donate your time, items or talents to the Annual Bazaar, please contact [email protected]. |