St. Augustine's members have established a number of different ministries that keep them busy and serving our community. Click on the links below to learn more about these different opportunities and consider getting involved too!
- Outreach: Many opportunities to volunteer and help our different programs
- Community Meal: The 2nd & 4th Monday of the month from 4:30 pm - pau
- Buildings & Grounds: Caring for our property
- Children & Youth: Our youngest members learn about their faith and participate in a number of activities; learn about the Scholarship Fund for our youth too.
- Education & Formation: Adult and youth programs to shape our Christian faith
- Fellowship: Coming together for fun, service and worship
- Sunshine Committee: Caring for our members
- Thrift Shop: St. Augustine's popular store serves the community.
- Worship: Includes Acolytes, Altar Guild, Eucharistic Minister/Visitors, Lay Readers, Music